Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 8 - Tribute to Banksy

Painting my own picture to the wall of my balcony might turn out to be a bad idea later. Right now it's a superb idea.

Week 8 - Tribute to Banksy

Click for larger image

Week 7, Zombies!

On particular Sunday mornings this is how I either look or feel. Last week I was too sick to take any pictures so reflecting on that was the least I could do.

Week 7: Zombies!

Click for larger image

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 6, Poker Face

I usually lose all my money when I play. It doesn't mean that there's something wrong with my poker face, just that I tend to believe I have the strongest hand, no matter what.  Luckily I don't play that often.

Week 6, Poker Face

Click for larger image

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 5, Head shots

Getting into photo projects is always like shooting yourself in the head. This time that happens quite literally.

Week 5, Head shots

Click for larger image

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 4, Bombs away!

The winter is way too long and dark and cold and there's no way to just jump of the pier to a lake and splash your life away. So I do it at home, jump into my giant-ass sink and bring the summer to my home.  There really is no better way to dream of the summer.

Week 4: Bombs away!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 3, Surviving the cold

Winter is hell. No matter what you tell yourself, it's not ok that every plant basically dies for 6 months a year and there are no colors other than black, white and the occational blue sky that's visible maybe once a week and about 1-3 hours in a row.

And as with everything, I take it too far, put on everything I can find and still secretly smile at how wrong it all is. There's really no point bitching about one thing when everything else is fine and because there's a little sunshine, I am happily smiling in this picture. In the summer you might actually even see it.

Week 3: Surviving the cold

click for larger image

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 2, Part of me

It's been about 18 years since I first picked up the guitar and decided that I'll learn how to use it. I had no ear for tone, rhythm or anything else that might have been useful but I had that spark, that seed of motivation, that false belief that by training like hell, I might make an impression on girls someday.

Don't know how that girl part worked out but the instrument itself has grown into me. It's become a body part and no matter how happy or sad I might be, this feisty little Fender (that didn't cost me a dime) is always there to make it better.

Week 2: Part of me
Click image for bigger version

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week 1, Must. Think. Outside. The. Box.

A New Year, a new project. Buying a new camera doesn't get me anywhere unless I kick myself constantly in the groin to make myself do something about it. So, here goes a year-long project with only subject; me.

All the Photoshopping in the world allowed, all the tricks in and outside the book allowed. The only rule is that everything in the photo must be taken by me and that I must be in the pic. I will listen to fun and crazy ideas and see if I can do them. Go ahead, challenge me.

Have fun watching, I'll try to have fun creating.

Week 1: Must. Think. Outside. The. Box.